I needed to change all files on an entire server after changing database servers. So all files pointing to the old server needed to be changed. Somewhat in the order of 100+ web site config files containing the IP address of the old server needed to have the hostname of the new server replaced. This […]
After finding that the modules were not compiling much patching was needed. Instructions on the solution here here http://communities.vmware.com/thread/267682?start=0&tstart=0
Restoring MySQL Databases from *.MYI & other non sql dump files
I recently needed to restore a MySQL database from a backup of an entire filesystem without booting that filesystem up with out services running to do SQL dumps. I was able to get the actual files containing the tables located in /var/lib/mysql/[database-name] and overwrote those files with the ones in the same location on the […]
I have experienced much trouble with running Virtual machines on VMWare Server 2. The randomly froze and even the host server was unresponsive at times. When I logged into the VMware remote console there were details like sd 0:0:0:0 or so which meant that the VM struggled to read/write to the Virtual Disk. The first […]
VMware Server 2 Web Interface Not Loading in Firefox?
Start up Firefox. Type in about:config in the address bar. then search for security.enable_ssl2 if set to false, doubleclick to set to true, Restart firefox. and test This worked for me after many hours of frustration. Also I got this solution from the following site. http://www.rootz.de/2010/05/vmware-2-x-kein-zugriff-auf-die-weboberflache-moglich-loading/
Speed up your Webserver!
Since we posted the FIFA World Cup Calendar 2010 on our company’s web site, traffic has increased dramatically. We have had over 3.5 million hits in 10 days. The problem was that the site was using more than 2 Gigs a day. In South Africa bandwidth is not cheap. Our site uses Joomla and even […]
FIFA World CUP 2010 Calendar
Hi Everyone I have posted an amazing World Cup 2010 Calendar on my company’s web site. Please check it out here. http://www.wolfatek.com/fifa-world-cup-2010-calendar I really hope you enjoy it.
Need to send Control Alt Delete to RDP Session
I have been using Remote Desktop to access all my windows servers for years and I only figured this one out recently.. Instead of Control-Alt-Delete (Ctrl-Alt-Del) use Control Alt End. (Ctrl-Alt-End). Hope this helps someone.
Cant connect to your VMWare Server Web interface
If this is a live internet server, make sure your DNS servers are setup in your installation and are working correctly. Test by pinging google & if it resolves then your DNS is working. Had this problem tonight and I fixed it by fluke.
I am an Uncle!
I am proud to announce that I am now an uncle again. My brother Shalendra & his wife Patricia are proud parents of their first baby Taitum Singh. Click on the photo to see more pictures of Taitum or click here